What is a Sensor?

A sensor is a device that detects the change in the environment and responds to some output on the other system. A sensor converts a physical phenomenon into a measurable analog voltage (or sometimes a digital signal) converted into a human-readable display or transmitted for reading or further processing



What do the sensors do?

A sensor is a device that detects the change in the environment and responds to some output on the other system. A sensor converts a physical phenomenon into a measurable analog voltage (or sometimes a digital signal) converted into a human-readable display or transmitted for reading or further processing.

One of the best-known sensors is the microphone, which converts sound energy to an electrical signal that can be amplified, transmitted, recorded, and reproduced.

Sensors are used in our everyday lives. For example, the common mercury thermometer is a very old type of sensor used for measuring temperature. Using coloured mercury in a closed tube, it relies on the fact that this chemical has a consistent and linear reaction to changes in temperature.

14th Edition of International Conference on Sensing Technology | 22-23 Feb 2024 | London, United Kingdom

Abstract Submission:https://x-i.me/indcon

Award Nomination:https://x-i.me/awrnom

Member Nomination:https://x-i.me/memnom

Visit: sensors.sciencefather.com

For Enquiries: sensors@sciencefather.com

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