How smart soil science can transform farming
How smart soil science can transform farming Overcoming high salt concentrations in saline-alkali soils (pictured) has been a priority for Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning.Credit: Moritz Wolf/imageBROKER/Getty The range of climates and environments across China pose distinct challenges for farming systems. Different agricultural approaches are needed for three major soil types found in the country: saline soils in the north, black soils in the northeast, and red and yellow soils in the south. Over six decades, the Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning (IARRP) at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Beijing has been developing strategies to address this challenge through agricultural research and innovation. “Our mission is to harness cutting-edge technologies to enhance traditional farming practices, promoting both productivity and sustainability,” says Wenbin Wu, agricultural scientist and director of IARRP. IARRP adopted a core ...